New York Neck Injury Attorney
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A neck injury is a serious and debilitating injury that can require extensive medical treatment. If you sustained a neck injury or whiplash in a car accident, you need to speak with a Brooklyn neck injury attorney who can help you with your claim. The experienced attorneys at Belushin Law Firm can make sure the insurance company gives you a fair settlement for your neck injury.
Common Neck Injuries Caused by Negligence
The neck is comprised of the cervical spine, muscles, and tendons. The neck is very susceptible to injuries because it is very flexible and it supports the head. The neck houses vertebra, muscles, and the throat, but it also is a channel for the body’s nervous system into the brain. Neck injuries can be extremely painful and can also be dangerous because a serious neck injury can damage nerves and result in paralysis. Because of the neck’s anatomy, any acceleration or deceleration force, as well as blunt force, can cause severe and life-threatening injuries.
One of the common types of neck injuries is whiplash. Whiplash is technically called a cervical acceleration-deceleration injury. When the head and neck are rapidly moved forward or backward, it causes a rapid contortion of the neck muscles, which strains and injures the muscles. Because of the force involved in motor vehicle accidents and the sensitive structure of the neck, even low-speed accidents can cause severe whiplash. Whiplash is almost always caused by an auto accident, particularly rear-end collisions. Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, shoulder pain, tingling or numbness in the arms and legs, and headaches.
When the victim of a car crash is suffering from whiplash, it is very common that the patient does not feel the symptoms until a day or two after the accident. This is why it is extremely important for an accident victim to seek medical treatment after their accident, and to then immediately contact a Brooklyn attorney. If the victim gives a statement to the insurance company before their symptoms have set in, the insurance company will try to use this information to minimize the plaintiff’s settlement.
The cervical spine located in the neck is also susceptible to disc injuries. Discs are pockets of tissue that cushion the spine in between vertebra. A herniated disc occurs when the outer layers of the disc are weakened and the inner portion of the disc bulges out. Herniated discs are often called slipped discs, disc bulges, protruding discs, and ruptured discs. A herniated disc in the neck can be extremely painful and will need to be treated with pain medication and possible surgical intervention.
Neck injuries can also include pinched nerves. The neck houses vertebra and muscles, but it also contains a vast network of nerves that connect the brain to the rest of the body. The technical term for a nerve injury is radiculopathy. When there is pressure on a nerve root in the neck, this is called a nerve impingement. Nerve impingement, or a pinched nerve, results in pain, numbness, and tingling in the affected area. If you have suffered any kind of radiculopathy as result of an accident, you should speak with one of the Brooklyn lawyers at Belushin Law Firm about filing a claim for your pain and suffering.
Pursue the Compensation You Deserve
In severe cases, neck injury can be traumatic and even deadly. A broken neck is fatal, and serious nerve or spine damage in the neck can cause paralysis. If your loved one was killed in a car accident, your family may have the right to bring a wrongful death claim to compensate for the loss. If you were partially or totally paralyzed in an accident, you can also bring a claim against the insurance company of the negligent person who caused your injury. A Brooklyn lawyer can help file these types of claims.
There are many different types of accidents that can cause neck injury. The most common cause of neck injury is a car accident. In a auto accident, the body is thrown forward or backward on impact, straining and contorting the muscles in the neck and back. While there are many safety features that try to minimize injuries in a car accident such as seatbelts and airbags, none of these measures prevent the head and neck area from rapidly accelerating and decelerating. This acceleration-deceleration can cause whiplash and other traumatic neck injuries.
Work-related injuries also occur regularly, and many workers injure their neck and back. Occupations with heavy lifting are particularly susceptible to high rates of neck and back injuries, but any job can result in a neck injury. When an employee develops a slipped disc or other disc injury as a result of their work, the workers’ comp insurance company will often claim that the neck injury is not work-related. Hiring an experienced attorney for neck injuries can help insure that this does not happen to you. Whether your neck injury is from a car accident or from a work accident or from some other incident, the experienced neck injury lawyers at Belushin Law Firm can help.
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