Brooklyn Back Injury Lawyer
Have you suffered a back injury in an accident in New York?
If you suffered a back injury in an accident, you need to speak with a Brooklyn personal injury lawyer to discuss filing a lawsuit to compensate you for your back injuries. It is estimated that over half of the adult population in the United States suffers from back pain. If you hurt your back in any kind of accident, you should speak to a Brooklyn injury attorney about a settlement so that you can make sure you get the treatment that you need. Belushin Law Firm is an experienced personal injury firm with personal injury attorneys who can help you.
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Pursue Serious Compensation for Your Severe Injury
There are many different ways that a back can be injured. The back is comprised of the spinal cord, which attaches to the neck at the top and the tailbone and hips at the bottom, and a complex system of muscles and tendons surrounding the spine. Each working part of the spine is susceptible to injury, so back injuries vary greatly in their type and location. The muscles in the back, particularly the lower back, are often sprained and strained by car accidents or lifting injuries. In a sprain/strain personal injury case, you need a lawyer who understands how to gather evidence of your injury and present it to the insurance company to maximize your New York injury settlement.
Another common type of back injury is a herniated disc. Discs in the spine are pockets of cartilage that cushion the spine in between each vertebra. Herniated discs are also known as bulged discs, slipped discs, ruptured discs, prolapsed discs, or disc protrusion. They occur when there is stress on the spine which causes the inner portion of a disc to protrude out. Herniated discs can be caused by lifting, carrying, sitting, or other activities that cause pressure on the spinal column. Even if the herniated disc is not causing pressure on nerves, it can be excruciatingly painful.
Victims of disc protrusion often require extensive pain management and even surgical intervention. If you developed a disc protrusion, you need a New York lawyer who will use medical evidence to show the severity of your injury. Insurance companies try to minimize the settlements for victims of back injuries by claiming that the injury does not affect the victim’s daily life. If you have suffered a ruptured disc, you need legal representation that will make sure your settlement is fair compensation for your pain and suffering.
Was your accident caused by negligence?
Victims of car accidents, work accidents, and other accidents can also sustain other trauma to the back such as fractured vertebra, broken vertebra, paralysis, or other traumatic back injury. These injuries can be sustained in a serious motor vehicle crash, a construction fall injury, or a serious slip and fall injury. They are also likely to occur in an accident involving one vehicle and one pedestrian, or one vehicle and one bicyclist. These serious spinal injuries can cause death or paralysis, and usually happen when the body sustains severe trauma in an accident. If you have experienced a traumatic back injury in an accident, you need an experienced Brooklyn personal injury lawyer to handle your case.
There are many different types of accidents that can cause a serious back injury. Car accidents can often cause soft tissue or traumatic back injury, depending on the severity of the crash. Even in a low-speed crash, the movement of the body as a result of the force of another vehicle causes the muscles in the back to be sprained or strained. This happens often in rear-end collisions, but it has the potential to occur in any type of accident. Car accidents also can cause traumatic back injuries such as fractured discs, broken discs, and paralysis. In a serious collision such as a collision with a large truck or a front-end collision, back injuries to the occupants can be debilitating and even fatal.
Work accidents and slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accidents can also cause back injury. When a body falls, the impact alone can cause serious injury to the back, but the fall itself can cause the body to be contorted, which can cause sprains and strains of the back muscles. Work injuries can cause serious back problems, especially in industries that require lifting and carrying. Construction workers, warehouse workers, landscapers, caregivers, and laborers have a high risk of developing back injuries, but any occupation can cause an injury to the back. If you sustained a back injury at work, your company should pay for your medical treatment and your lost wages through their workers’ compensation insurance policy. A Brooklyn workers’ comp lawyer can help you navigate this process.
Let Our Brooklyn Injury Attorneys Go To Work For You
Back injuries are serious injuries that require extensive treatment and time to heal. Some victims of back injuries are never able to fully heal from their accident. For back sprains and strains, the victim needs to take time off from work to rest and heal the sprained muscles, and they may require pain medication and heat and cold therapy.
For disc injuries and other traumatic back injuries, the victim may need surgical intervention and pain management, as well as extensive physical therapy. The pain and disability from a back injury can last throughout the accident victim’s life, even with back surgery and therapy. If you have suffered a back injury, you deserve compensation for your pain and suffering, and a Brooklyn injury lawyer can help make sure you are treated fairly.
If you have sustained a back injury in an accident and you would like to know more about your legal options, call Belushin Law Firm. We are available to help 24/7.

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