New York Mesothelioma Lawyers
When To Speak With Asbestos Lawyers in New York
You need an experienced New York workers' compensation law firm if you or someone you love developed mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops over time. It is almost exclusively caused by exposure to asbestos fibers during one’s lifetime. If you or someone who love is suffering from mesothelioma, you should speak with a competent lawyer at Belushin Law Firm about your rights to file a claim in ongoing New York asbestos litigation.
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What causes mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of and exposure to asbestos fibers and particles. These particles cause a cancerous growth in the tissue surrounding the lungs, heart, and abdomen. Mesothelioma does not develop immediately upon inhalation, however. It takes no less than 15 years to develop in the victim, and it is usually a period of 20-50 years before symptoms develop. Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to a toxic substance in the workplace. If you or one of your loved ones has mesothelioma, you should speak with a New York City mesothelioma attorney about filing a claim for compensation.
Mesothelioma develops in the chest and abdominal area. Mesothelioma is cancer of the protective linings around organs, which is called mesothelia. Mesothelioma most often develops in the pleura, which is the outer lining of the lungs, in the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity, and in the pericardium, which is the lining around the heart. Although it can develop in other parts of the body as well, these three locations are the most common sites of mesothelioma.
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The symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath, cough, pain in the chest, abdominal swelling, fever, fatigue, and anemia. Mesothelioma can usually be seen on an X-Ray, but will need to be biopsied to confirm that it is cancerous. Despite radiation treatments, chemotherapy treatments, and surgery, the prognosis for patients with mesothelioma is usually very poor. This rare cancer is terminal, and most treatments only seek to extend life and alleviate symptoms – not cure the disease. If your loved one has died after a battle with mesothelioma, you should speak with one of our mesothelioma attorneys at a firm that handles NY wrongful death cases.
Smoking does not cause this particular type of cancer. The primary and almost exclusive cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. When a smoker has also been exposed to asbestos, the effects of smoking on the body can worsen and accelerate the development of mesothelioma. For this reason, if a smoker develops mesothelioma, they will need legal representation that has a thorough understanding of the complexity of mesothelioma claims for smokers. Mesothelioma is not the fault of the person who developed this cancer. Hold the parties that caused you to be exposed to this toxic substance responsible.
How can our New York asbestos lawyer help?
Workers from many different generations can be affected by mesothelioma exposure. Asbestos was used extensively in homes, boats, and commercial buildings after World War II. The employees that were exposed to asbestos include shipyard workers, asbestos miners, workers in asbestos mills, and employees in the heating and construction industries. Even family members of a worker in these industries could potentially be exposed to asbestos through handling a worker’s clothing that contained asbestos dust. Once the medical community recognized the serious health threat caused by asbestos, use and production of asbestos declined significantly. However, workers are still at risk of being exposed to asbestos every day when they are working on older buildings that contain asbestos material.
Because of the long time frame for the development of mesothelioma, you will need a dedicated New York mesothelioma attorney who can help you get compensation. Many successful lawsuits have been filed by victims of mesothelioma. When a worker is injured on the job, they can file what is called a workers’ compensation claim. Employers have a duty to compensate their employees that are injured on the job for their pain, suffering, and time lost from work. Because mesothelioma is the result of exposure to asbestos in the workplace, workers who develop this rare cancer can seek compensation from the company they worked for. When filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, you need a dedicated asbestos attorney in New York who understands mesothelioma law so that they can help you document the source of your asbestos exposure.
Retain Competent, Aggressive Representation
Today’s laws require extensive safety procedures when dealing with asbestos. Workers are required to wear masks and filters that prevent the fibers from entering their lungs. There is also specific protocol to follow when removing asbestos from an older building, which includes wetting the asbestos so that the fibers do not become airborne. However, due to the latency period for the development of mesothelioma, all estimates suggest that mesothelioma lawsuit will continue to rise as more workers develop the terminal cancer decades after their exposure to asbestos.
Due to the seriousness of mesothelioma and the length of time between exposure and illness, it is hard to gather all of the facts and pursue a lawsuit within the appropriate time frame. If you or your family member developed mesothelioma, you need to hire a New York workman’s comp lawyers for mesothelioma, because their expertise in this specific type of workers’ compensation claim will help you through this complicated process.
To learn more about your legal options, call Belushin Law Firm. You don't pay unless we win.

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