Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney
Call (888) 918-9890 for Experienced Legal Representation
A jackknife trucking accident is when an 18-wheeler or semi-tractor trailer skids, causing the trailer to swing out to one side of the cab in a 90 degree angle, resembling a partially opened pocket knife. When the truck skids, locks or loses control, the driver loses the ability to stop or swerve, potentially resulting in head-on collisions, rear-end crashes, roll-overs, and multiple-car pileups.
At Belushin Law Firm, our Brooklyn jackknife accident lawyers are committed to helping injured victims of truck accidents recover their entitled compensation. With an exceptional track record of success, you can be confident in obtaining our experienced and trustworthy legal services.
Causes of Truck Accidents
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), around 500,000 trucking accidents happen every year in the United States, resulting in 5,000 fatalities. This type of accident is typically caused by poor driving conditions, such as snow or ice. These weather conditions make the roads more slick and slippery, causing the truck to slide if the driver turns the car or brakes too quickly.
Common causes of jackknifing accidents include:
- Braking quickly on slick, wet roads
- Braking sharply while driving high speeds
- Failing to slow down in emergency conditions
- Improper downshift
- Improperly adjusted bakes
- Turning too quickly or too sharply
- Uncontrollable acceleration
A mechanical failure is another contributing factor to jackknife accidents. Lack of proper inspection means failure to properly maintain the truck, causing brakes to fail, tires to deflate, and a number of other mechanical issues to occur. Drivers have a safety obligation to uphold at all times while operating a heavy vehicle. Due to the pressure of meeting deadlines, compounded with the long distances they must travel every day, driver fatigue is one of the common causes for trucking accidents. Since the United States depends on trucks to deliver goods across the nation, trucking companies are hiring as many drivers as they can. The influx of inexperienced drivers on the road who’ve received insufficient training may result in more accidents.
Let Us Start Your Case
If you or a loved one has been involved in a serious jackknife trucking accident in New York City, our Brooklyn jackknife accident lawyers are ready to help you immediately. We are not afraid to go up against power companies in order to protect the rights of our clients.
Schedule a free consultation with Belushin Law Firm today.

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