Brooklyn Slip and Fall Attorney
Were you injured on another's property?
Slip and fall lawsuits compensate victims who were injured because a property was unsafe. A slip and fall lawyer in Brooklyn can help ensure that a victim of one of these accidents is compensated fairly in their claim. The injuries that are sustained in slip and fall cases in Brooklyn are serious and can even be life-threatening. If you were injured on someone else’s property, you need a Brooklyn slip and fall attorney to make sure you get the settlement you deserve. The experienced Brooklyn trip and fall lawyers at Belushin Law Firm can help you with all aspects of your claim.
What is a slip & fall claim?
When an individual suffers an injury in a slip and fall accident, he or she can take legal action through a premises liability claim. Premises liability simply means a legal action against a negligent property owner for injuries that were sustained due to a dangerous condition on the property owner’s land or building. Slip and fall cases in Brooklyn are handled in a manner somewhat similar to all general personal injury claims. The plaintiff must show that he or she suffered an injury that was caused by the defendant’s negligence.
In premises liability claims, however, the plaintiff must also show that the defendant was responsible for maintaining the property. While this seems simple, it can actually require a lengthy investigation with much finger-pointing as to who owns the property and is responsible for it. This is why a slip and fall accident victim needs to hire a Brooklyn slip and fall attorney who is experienced in getting maximum settlements for their clients.
Slip and fall accidents can happen on public, private, or commercial property. Public property includes places like public hospitals, parks, subway stations, and city or town offices. Private property can include any workplace or private home or apartment. Commercial property is property that is open to the public either as a retail outlet, movie theater, grocery store, pharmacy, or some other type of business entity.
All of these types of premises have owners and operators who are responsible for completing all reasonable inspections and maintenance of the property. The property can include indoor areas as well as outdoor areas. Many of these areas have legal teams who will do everything in their power to minimize your settlement, which is why you need an experienced Brooklyn slip and fall lawyer to make sure your rights are protected.
Hold Property Owners Accountable
There are many different conditions in a premise that can cause a slip and fall or trip and fall. Building conditions are one of the major causes of slip and fall accidents. A raised carpet surface or uneven floorboard can cause a person to trip over it and fall. Tiles in commercial and residential buildings that are uneven or broken can also pose a significant danger. Railings that are missing or are broken can cause patrons or visitors to fall down several steps or an entire flight of stairs. All of these conditions are dangerous and should be fixed the moment the property owner knows they exist. If a property owner was negligent in the maintenance of their building and caused your slip and fall, you should speak with a Brooklyn personal injury attorney dealing with slip and falls about filing a claim to compensate you for your pain and suffering.
Slip and fall accidents can also occur outdoors. Property owners have a responsibility to maintain their buildings, and also the land that surrounds them. This means that yards, parking lots, and sidewalks need to be safe for pedestrians. An uneven, broken, or cracked sidewalk can be a serious trip hazard to someone passing by, just as unattended ice patches in a parking lot can cause catastrophic injury to a visitor. Trash or construction debris in a walking area can cause serious tripping hazards or lacerations when a person steps on something sharp. All of these outdoor conditions can cause serious and painful injuries.
Another serious hazard to visitors on a property can be spill conditions. These happen most often in commercial and retail establishments. A spilled liquid can be a very dangerous condition, even though it seems harmless. Imagine walking through the grocery store and being completely unaware that a sticky, slippery, and completely clear dish washer liquid was spilled all over the floor. You would have no way of knowing, and you could slip and fall and injure yourself badly. If the store manager or clerk had notice of this condition, and did not do anything to rectify the situation, your injury was due to their negligence. If you were hurt because of a spill or trip hazard in a store, a slip and fall attorney in Brooklyn can help you with your claim.
Seek the Justice You Deserve
While the term “slip and fall” does not seem so scary, the injuries from a fall accident can be severe, life-altering, and even deadly. One of the most common types of injury is broken bones. When a person falls, they often throw out their hands and arms as a reflex to break their fall. This often causes broken bones in the wrist, hands, arms and elbows. Broken bones can also occur due to twisted ankles, and hips striking the ground. Broken bones are serious injuries that require extensive medical treatment.
Lacerations and cuts also happen often to slip and fall victims. These abrasions can be the result of falling on a sharp object, or they can be caused by landing on a hard surface, such as pavement or asphalt. Slip and fall victims also suffer serious muscular injuries. They can suffer knee injuries, shoulder injuries, and back injuries that require surgical intervention and physical therapy. Some serious slip and fall accidents even cause internal organ damage, head and brain injury, or even death. If you or someone you love was injured in a slip and fall accident, you shouldn’t have to go through this complicated legal process alone. Call Belushin Law Firm today, and one of their experienced slip and fall lawyers in Brooklyn can help you with your claim.
Pursue the financial support that you need and deserve. Contact the team at Belushin Law Firm for compassionate advocacy.

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$3,500,000 Pedestrian Accident
$3,000,000 Labor Law Injury
$2,700,000 Workers' Compensation Injury
$1,200,000 Premises Liability Injury
$875,000 Pedestrian Accident
$500,000 Car Accident Injury