Brooklyn Lead Poisoning Attorneys
Call a Brooklyn Law Firm With Experience and Compassion
Lead paint has not been allowed for residential use in the United States in several decades. However, it is still present in some buildings and can be a serious hazard to children who reside in or visit those buildings. If your child suffered lead poisoning, you should speak with a Brooklyn injury attorney as soon as possible about filing a claim. One of the lead poisoning lawyers at Belushin Law Firm who is familiar with the law can help with the investigation of your claim and the filing of your lawsuit.
The Dangers of Lead Paint
Lead paint was banned from residential use in 1978. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a prohibition on any paint with more than 0.06% lead. Lead had been used in paint to make the paint dry faster and resist moisture. It was used for many years in commercial buildings, residential buildings, and in private homes. It took decades for scientists and doctors to determine the link between lead paint and serious health problems in children. With the help of a landmark lead poisoning lawsuit, the toxic substance was finally banned.
Lead paint was banned in 1978 because of the serious health dangers to children. The substance has a sweet taste to it, so young children were tempted to put lead paint chips and lead paint dust in their mouths. The ingestion of lead paint causes serious damage to a child’s developing body. It can cause kidney damage, nervous system damage, growth stunting, and developmental delays. Lead poisoning is particularly dangerous to children who are under age 6, but it can cause health issues for older children and adults as well. If you think your child was exposed to lead paint chips or lead paint dust, you need to speak with a lead poison lawyer as soon as possible to discuss filing a claim on your child’s behalf.
Some of the symptoms of lead poisoning in children include abdominal pain, headaches, anemia, irritability and confusion, and, in severe cases, seizures and death. The results of the damage to the developing body of a child can cause permanent learning disorders, behavioral disorders, and neurological damage. It was once believed that in order to contract lead poisoning, children had to physically ingest pieces of lead paint chips. However, the mere ingestion of microscopic paint dust can also cause serious lead poisoning in children. An experienced lead poisoning attorney can help you with your claim.
Lead Poisoning and Children Today
Lead paint is no longer allowed to be used, but it still exists in some homes. If a home was built prior to 1978, there is potential that there could be lead paint in the home. When a renovation of a building happens, there are specific requirements for the processes used to remove lead paint. One of the most important parts of the process is to ensure that the paint is not dry-sanded because this can make the microscopic lead paint dust particles land and blow throughout the house.
Landlords who rent properties to families have a responsibility to ensure that the premise is properly deleaded. The owners of these properties have a responsibility to provide proof in the form of certification to the residents. If a landlord or renovation company has not removed lead paint properly, they can be liable for the injuries caused to any of the children who reside in the apartment or home. If this has happened to your child, you need an experienced lead paint liability lawyer to handle your claim. One of the premises liability attorneys at Belushin Law Firm can make sure your child’s injuries are compensated for by the responsible party.
Protect Your Children's Rights
If your child suffered lead poisoning, it is important to remember that he or she could have ingested lead at a building other than your home. Day care centers, schools, and other buildings that house children are all supposed to be properly deleaded and certified. If your child suffered lead poisoning in any building, the owner of that building is responsible for the harm that befell your child.
When a parent brings a lead poisoning claim, it is a special claim as a guardian for the victim of the negligence. Because a child cannot file a lawsuit when they are underage, the parent must file one on their behalf. If your child developed injuries and illness due to lead poisoning, you should speak with an experienced Brooklyn personal injury lawyer to discuss filing a lead poisoning lawsuit that will hold the property owner responsible for your child’s injuries.
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