Hip Recall Lawyer
Qualified Brooklyn Defective Product Attorney
Hip replacements can be a necessary surgery for men and women who have recurring hip injuries. However, some of the hip implants that have been implanted in men and women in the United States are defective and can cause serious injury to the patient. If you have had complications from your hip replacement, you could be the victim of a defective medical implant. You should speak with one of the experienced Brooklyn hip replacement attorneys at Belushin Law Firm to discuss Zimmer hip replacement lawsuits, Stryker hip lawsuits, or other types of hip replacement lawsuits.
Defective Hip Implants
Hip implants are a replacement for the acetabulum and femoral head bones that form the natural hip joint. Some patients only require a partial implant, but most are outfitted with a prosthetic socket and prosthetic hip bone that function as the natural hip would. Hip replacements are used in patients who have severe arthritis or joint damage from multiple hip fractures. Many of these implants are used on populations over the age of sixty-five, and when these devices are defective, the patients endure a great deal of pain and suffering.
In 2010 and 2012, separate medical reports were issued that showed that the failure rate for hip implants was extremely high. This is particularly true for metal-on-metal implants. Metal-on-metal prosthetics contain a metal cup and metal prosthetic femoral bone. When the metal ball rotates within the metal cup, shards of metal are sheared off and can enter the bloodstream. This causes cobalt poisoning, infection, and severe pain to the implant recipient. This is due to a manufacturing defect that puts implant recipients at risk. Most patients whose hip implants fail require painful and costly revision surgery to replace their hip replacement.
Recovering the Financial Help You Need
Any hip replacement recipient can understand how painful and costly the procedure is the first time. Having a second surgery to revise the defects in the first implant is extremely painful, and costs the patient money and time. If you have suffered an injury from a defective hip implant, you shouldn’t have to face these problems alone. The manufacturers of hip implants are strictly liable for their products, meaning they are responsible if their product has a defect that injures a person. The victim does not have to show that the manufacturer was negligent in their design, they only have to show that their implant was defective and that the defect caused their injury.
If you have received an implant that was defective and you have suffered complications, you have a limited amount of time to bring a claim for your pain and suffering. An experienced Brooklyn hip replacement recall lawyer can help make sure you get a hip replacement settlement for your injuries.
Call us today at (888) 918-9890 to get the representation you need today!

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