Brooklyn Erb’s Palsy Attorney
What Is Erb's Palsy?
Erb’s palsy is a medical condition that develops during the delivery of a child, that results in the partial or complete paralysis of the arm. It is almost always caused by trauma during the birth and delivery process. The most common cause is a problem with birth called shoulder dystocia. Shoulder dystocia happens when an infant’s shoulders, neck, and head become lodged in the birth canal.
This causes pressure on the brachial plexus nerve group, which then leads to paralysis and problems with the development of motor control in the arm. If your child suffered shoulder dystocia during delivery and later developed Erb’s palsy, you may have a case against a negligence obstetrician.
Symptoms of Erb's Palsy
Symptoms of Erb’s palsy include loss of sensation, paralysis, and muscle degeneration in the arm. Because Erb’s palsy often occurs during birth, development of the child’s arm will most likely also be affected. The paralysis in some children goes away in the weeks and months after birth. Other children require extensive physical therapy or surgery to attempt to alleviate their symptoms. For many children who suffer from Erb’s palsy, the sensation in their arm may improve, but is never fully functional.
Who is Liable for Causing Erb's Palsy to Occur During Childbirth?
Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other medical staff person acts in a way that falls below the standards of care for their profession. This negligence can often cause injury or death to the patient. In the birth process, there are many medical decisions that need to be made in a short amount of time. Erb’s palsy and other birth injuries can be caused when a doctor unnecessarily delays their decision or makes the wrong decision.
Erb’s palsy, in particular, is caused by excessive pressure on the child’s neck and arm during birth. This can be caused by an obstetrician pulling on the child to extract the child from the birth canal in a manner that injures the child permanently. If this has happened to your infant, you should speak with one of the experienced Brooklyn erbs palsy attorneys at Belushin Law Firm.
You should contact Belushin Law Firm as soon as possible to discuss your child’s case. Our firm offers free, no-obligation consultations.

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