C-Section Bladder Injuries
You Need a Brooklyn Caesarean Section Malpractice Attorney
In childbirth, there can be conditions which require that an infant be surgically removed to ensure the health and safety of the child and the mother. A caesarean section surgery (commonly known as a C-section) is major surgery which can have health risks to both mother and child. If a C-section is performed negligently by the obstetrician, which can be serious long-term health consequences to mother and child.
What is a C-Section?
A C-section is a procedure that is performed to surgically remove an infant. Most C-sections are emergency surgery because there is difficulty delivering the child vaginally, but in recent years more children are born via elective C-section surgery. In a C-section, doctors make an incision in the abdomen of the mother and remove the child from the uterus.
The complications from a C-section surgery vary, and the decision to execute a C-section must be made in a timely fashion. If you or your child were injured because of negligence during a C-section, you may be eligible for compensation for pain and suffering.
Bladder Injuries Resulting From a C-Section
When a C-section incision is made, there are many other internal organs that are located near the womb that are in danger of being injured during the surgery. The primary types of negligent C-section injuries are bladder injuries. Bladder injuries during a Caesarean section are caused by an erroneous incision into the bladder. This may occur because the bladder is located in an abnormal location due to the position of the fetus, or it could be the result of obstetric negligence if the physician fails to properly locate the bladder before making an incision.
The mother can experience serious complications from a C-section bladder injury, including infection, sepsis, and internal bleeding. Some victims of bladder injuries require additional surgery to correct the medical error. If you experienced a bladder injury from a C-section, you should speak with a birth injury lawyer as soon as possible.
Other Risk Associated with C-Section Procedures
C-sections can also pose a serious health risk to the mother of a child if they are not executed properly. A C-section is a major surgical procedure, and should be carried out with care and caution by the obstetricians. Like all abdominal surgeries, there is a risk of hernias and infection at the incision site. C-sections also place a mother at risk for blood loss and anesthesia risks. If you have been injured because your C-section surgery was performed in a negligent manner, you should speak with a Brooklyn medical malpractice lawyer about filing a lawsuit.
If you or your child has suffered a personal injury during a C-section and you would like to know more about Brooklyn medical malpractice birth injury law, call Belushin Law Firm for your free initial case evaluation!

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